Gas Generator Installation

South Coast Gas Company / Pierre Part Natural Gas

Click here to download the PDF Gas Generator Installation – Information Form

South Coast Gas Company and Pierre Part Natural Gas are dedicated to bringing safe and reliable service to all of their customers. Whole home generators are quickly becoming a necessity for today’s electric and digital world. In order for us to continue to bring quality service to our customers, we need to make sure that we are informed on general information and installation of generators on our natural gas systems.

We are requiring that all individuals or companies installing whole home generators on the South Coast Gas Co. or Pierre Part Natural Gas systems download the Gas Generator Installation – Information Form and provide the following information to our gas superintendents before permit application. After review, an approved copy of this document must be  provided to the permit office for application. This is in order to ensure the most efficient installation setup on the SCG & PPNG systems. Please be aware that different natural gas distribution companies operate at different pressures. Due to this, the installation of gas regulators may differ from place to place.

Once the generator installation has been completed, a SCG or PPNG gas technician will inspect the installation. After inspection, a letter of approval will be provided for the completion of the Lafourche Parish permitting process.

Disclaimer : South Coast Gas and Pierre Part Natural Gas recommends that customers consider alternate or supplemental fuel alternatives in the case of a gas outage. Gas services cannot be guaranteed during times of emergency such as line ruptures, natural disasters, or civil disturbances.

Please download the PDF and return it to South Coast Gas by one of the following methods:

1. Email attached request to

2. Deliver in person to 4076 Highway 1, Raceland

3. Drop box located at 4076 Highway 1, Raceland